
Showing posts from October, 2018


SCAVO Tесhnоlоgiеѕ iѕ based on thе соmmеrсiаl model оf thе SCAVO Tоkеn. Each SCAVO Token асԛuirеd by оur invеѕtоr rерrеѕеntѕ thе right to rесеivе profits from еvеrуthing рrоduсеd bу the mining fаrm fоr lifе (as lоng аѕ it iѕ thе Token hоldеr), undеrѕtооd as thе period during whiсh thе рrоfitѕ exceed thе operating соѕt nесеѕѕаrу tо mаintаin in operation the fаrm. Thе tесhnоlоgу dеvеlореd by SCAVO Technologies аnd third раrtiеѕ will bе uѕеd tо build ѕеlf-ѕuѕtаining аnd ѕсаlаblе mining сеntеrѕ using renewable rеѕоurсеѕ fоr power gеnеrаtiоn. SCAVO Tесhnоlоgiеѕ will finаnсе thе construction of thе еntirе system thаt mаkеѕ uр the mining сеntеr through сrоwdfunding by diѕtributing thе SCAVO Tоkеnѕ, during thе Initiаl Coin Offеr (ICO). The mаximum аmоunt that саn bе raised (dеfinеd аѕ Maximum Tаrgеt in thе Whitерареr) during thе еntirе ICO рrосеѕѕ (including thе PrеICO) will bе $ 83,600,000. Thе minimum аmоunt (dеfinеd аѕ Minimum Target in thе Whitepaper) will be $ 500,000. 88% : SC...

ETAINPOWER - Breaking the Position of the Monopoly of the Traditional Energy Giant

Hello everyone in this article I will present an interesting ICO analysis, called EtainPower, based on the following criteria: About EtainPower EtainPower is a renewable energy financing and trading ecosystem empowered by both blockchain and AI technologies.Backed by a team of top-tier engineers from Silicon Valley,we introduced a groundbreaking blockchain architecture to tokenize global renewable energy assets,allowing them to be traded rapidly and freely through our highly decentralized blockchain technology platform in a fast  and safe way. Our founding team has extensive experience in the fields of new energy blockchain and artificial intelligence.We combine blockchain and AI technologies and apply them to the global energy network with the goal to break the monopoly position of traditional energy giants and bring true decentralization to the smart energy ecosystem Blockchian Technology Artificial Intelligence EPR Token EtainPower Features Blockchain t...

BlooCYS - Experts at your.

As technology moves faster, smartphone adoption grows and internet speeds continues to increase, consumers have been conditioned to want everything right now.  We can find information in seconds.  We can send emails with a few taps.  We can order items with a few scrolls and swipes.  We can book it by pressing a button.  WHAT IS BLOOCYS?  BlooCYS is ultimately a Uber-like platform that helps consumers hire the right professional for the consultancy service they need.  It can be learning a new language.  Getting a make-up or hair tutorial.  Or fix a bug or an IT related problem.  The possibilities are endless.  All via video.  And in real time. This makes Blooms unique as it offers convenience, timely delivery and high standards of service that today's demanding consumers are expecting.  In fact, the consultancy service on BlooCYS can be delivered to them whether they are at home, office, cafe or in the park.  At the s...

BlooCYS - Experts at Your Fingertips

Introducing BlooCYS is ultimately an Uber-like platform that helps consumers hire the right professional for the consultancy service they need. It can be learning a new language. Getting a make-up or hair tutorial. Or fixing a bug or an IT related problem. The possibilities are endless. All via video. And in real time. Hire the Right Person Thomas Edison had an unusual way of hiring his engineers. He’d hold up a lightbulb and ask the candidate how much water it would hold. Some candidates used gauges, measurements, and scientific calculations to determine the answer. Others simply filled the bulb with water and then poured the contents into a measuring cup. Which candidates got the job? The ones who used the simple approach—filling the bulb with water. Once you have determined the type of individual you want to add to your team, have written the job description, and have decided on a salary range, you begin the search. Where do you go to find the people to help you realize your...